Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.F2(G)
Dragon Smart Kit #6360
1:35th Scale
Suspension details
Includes comparison with Trumpeter Ausf.F parts from kit #TR00363 Pz.Kpfw
IV Ausf.F Fahrgestell
Drive Sprockets
Idler Wheels
Road Wheels
Assembled wheels (Not to scale)
The Dragon drive sprockets have better defined hub bolts and
the road wheels have the fine weld beads around the rim
and side wall embossing as do the return
rollers which are clearly better presented than the Trumpeter parts.
Bogie units
Very simple assembly while retaining the level of detail from the previous multi-part
The correctly spaced bogie mounting bolts and better definition of the round
bogie attachment cap
are also improvements over the previous bogies
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