German Horse Drawn Convoy
Italeri Kit No. 6437
1/35th Scale
First Look Review by Terry Ashley

This kit contains two horse drawn wagons used extensively by the German Army for behind the lines resupply with one supply wagon and one medical wagon with two horses and two crew members for each wagon.

The kit contents are re-issues of the old ESCI kits #5010 “Horse Drawn Supply wagon” and #5014 Medical Horse Drawn Wagon” but while each original kit had different horses and crews this re-issue contains two of the same horses and crew sprue from ESCI kit #5014 resulting in a lack of variation.

The parts for the wagons are cleanly moulded with only the occasional sink mark and the detail is perfectly adequate, after all they are wooden wagons and subject to quite a bit of wear and tear. The only thing is while the wood panels are scribed into the wagon side panels there is no actual wood grain effect on the parts, something that may or may not be that noticeable on the assembled parts?

Some of the detail are a little on the heavy side while fairly basic on the wheels but the overall effect should be okay.

The horses are again fairly basic with the body divided in two with a one part head/neck and separate tail but with careful painting again should look okay but the crew figures are vintage ESCI being very large with basic at best details.

Also included are some storage boxes, fuel drums and road signs to use as wagon filler and in a diorama setting.

Markings are provided for two medical wagons from the 114th Jäger Division –Italy, 1944 and 5th Mountain Division – Russia, 1942 and include red crosses and a selection of unit and divisional markings.


While the kit parts are fairly basic by today’s standards this set is quite handy to add as an additional feature in a larger diorama or on its own for something different form the usual vehicle.

The Sprues

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Page Created 7 August 2004

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