Mörser Karl-Gerät 040/041
on railway transport carrier
Trumpeter 1:35 Scale Kit No. 00208/9
including comparison with Dragon Mörser Karl kits #6179, 6181
(Trumpeter (TR) Light Beige plastic, Dragon (DR) Grey plastic)
Drive sprocket outer face
Note superb details of the inner gears with separate hub plate on TR sprocket.
Inner face and over head view of drive sprocket
Road wheels, return rollers and outer idler wheel plate.
Note finer details on road wheels and embossing on TR return rollers
TR track in 'rubber band' vinyl with DR in link and length plastic with two pin marks on each link.
Full length vinyl has the correct 133 links per track fo the initial track compared to the 94 links in the later track
Correct round hole in each TR guide tooth, not present on DR track.