Multiple Gun Motor Carriage M16
Trumpeter Kit No. 00911
1:16th Scale
Cab interior Details
Gear lever and steering wheel parts

Over head view of the floor tread plate, note the hole on the driver's side is in the incorrect position
and should be central the same as the right side hole.

Driver's foot pedals, note the texturing on the accelerator pedal should be vertical and not horizontal as depicted.
Also note the top driver's side panel is in the incorrect position and should extend further forward with
the four recesses the same as the right side foot plate.
There are also additional bolt heads that can be added to the floor panels.

The front radiator louver lever lacks detail and could be improved.
Also note the panel around the gear levers should also have tread plate and additional bolt heads that
can be added to the foot plate.
There should also be a fire extinguisher clip on the inside of both cab walls and there is no inner
bolts heads around the rood panels as there should be for a fairly simply interior overall.

Hand brake level lacks the release cable and the large cylindrical generator filter under the dashboard is completely missing.

Image of actual vehicle courtesy of Toadman's M2
Halftrack Photo CD
Dashboard with decal dials provided added,
the instructions do not show the decals or their position.

Driver's seat has the correct front overhang from the base and the backrest edges could be more rounded.

Image of actual vehicle courtesy of Toadman's M2
Halftrack Photo CD
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