Maxson Mounting Details
Upper pedestal assembled and fitted to lower pedestal on floor (right)
Gasoline generator and battery assembled
basic details on battery could do with enhancing.
Seat added to base, note at this stage the firing handgrips are not attached to anything but are trapped between
the main seat and front section.
Gun mountings added, note the pin marks requiring filling and the large unsightly screw designed to hold the
gun mounting in place, this is not on the real mounting and is not really required so the screw holes can be filled.
Modifications on the mountings to fill the screw holes and shorten the locating post.
Note also the filled pin marks, 5 on each side needing attention.
The screw holes filled with plastic card and rod plugs leaving the inner mounting face smooth as it should be.
Once the sight cross bar is added the gun outer gun mountings are held firmly in place not needing the screws.