Later style front wheel parts
Kit front wheels with images of the actual wheel
Note there is no grease nipple on the hub, plus valve stem and open rear hub all included on the kit wheels
Later style road wheel parts
Drive sprocket parts
Drive sprocket tooth discs
note smaller bracket and roller detail on one side only
Assembled drive sprockets, note position of smaller bracket
Also note lack of drive roller offset as it should be
Assembled drive sprocket showing the etched step ring with tread plate on both sides.
Note the lack of drive sprocket teeth offset and the alternate bolt protectors
The three small holes are included but the engraved lines on the hub should not be there.
Assembled track links around the sprocket
note how they do not sit slush on the sprocket face due to the lack of tooth offset.
See guide to correcting the drive roller offset for the drive sprockets
Final drive parts