The quality of the etching is excellent and well up the current state of the art and as you would expect being 1:48 scale there are some quite small parts but these are still very well defined. The parts have the usual relief etching where applicable and engraved bend lines which is quite normal for current etched sets.
The largest parts in the set are the inside faces of the hull and turret hatches plus additional detail parts for the latches, hinges and grab handles for quite well detailed hatches with the remainder of the parts being smaller detail items.
The turret mounted smoke grenade brackets are proved as are the spare track mountings on the turret plus nearly all the tool clips and brackets for the tools moulded separately in the kit, this does require the moulded on tool clips to be cut off but the etched clips provide a far higher level of detail definition. As well as the tool clips there are the brackets for the fire extinguisher, rear Feifel air cleaner piping, hull top tow cables and the hull top and rear mounted storage box which also has separate hinge and latch detail.
The large engine intake grills are finely etched with simulated weave effect on the wires that looks quite convincing in the smaller scale with this set also available separate as set #HLX48008 if you just want to add the screens.
A nicely detailed set that contains many very fine parts that will add considerable
detail definition to the Tamiya kit and there is also the separate resin
tool set #HLX48023 of you want to shave off the moulded on tools to add more
detail plus a separate fender set #HLX48012 if you wish to replace the kit
Highly recommended.
See additional images of the parts fitted
to the Tamiya Tiger I kit.
Thanks to Jan from Hauler Shop for the review set.
Page created 16 April 2005