The quality of the etching is excellent and well up the current state of the art and as you would expect being 1:48 scale there are some quite small parts but these are still very well defined. The parts have the usual relief etching where applicable and engraved bend lines which is quite normal for current etched sets.
The set has the front and rear fenders with separate hinge brackets and support brackets on the rear fenders with the outer panels of the front fenders that can be shown raised or lowered as required.
The full length side fenders have four segments per side with underside support brackets and upper mounting brackets which will allow you to show damage or leave off a fender segment as seen in some photos.
A nicely detailed set to add the final touches to the Tamiya Tiger I kit that
will also allow realistic damage for diorama situations.
Highly recommended.
Set courtesy of my credit card and
Page created 8 May 2005