The set consists of 270 individual track links in light grey resin with the only cleanup being some thin resin film in the sprocket holes and the hole in the guide tooth but it should be pointed out that the early tracks do not have the lightening hole as in the later tracks so these should be filled in any case.
Each link has two pins, one small and one larger that clip into corresponding holes in the next link to form the track runs and these clip together easily to make assembly very quick and easy with the assembled track runs being quite robust for this type of track and didn't pull apart with normal handling but the usual care should still be taken.
The assembled track runs articulate freely and fit the Trumpeter kit drive sprocket perfectly making for a quick and easy update.
Another excellent set of resin tracks from Lionmarc with minimal
cleanup, easy assembly and are quite robust when assembled but as mentioned
the lightening hole in the guide tooth shouldn't be there.
Highly recommended
See the Mörser Karl-Gerät Subjects listings for reviews of additional set available for the available Mörser Karl-Gerät kits.
Thanks to Leo from LionMarc Model Designs for the review set.
Page Created February 11, 2006