Mörser Karl-Gerät 040/041
on railway transport carrier
Trumpeter 1:35 Scale Kit No. 00208/9
including comparison with Dragon Mörser Karl kits #6179, 6181
(Trumpeter (TR) Light Beige plastic, Dragon (DR) Grey plastic)
The left carriage has similar breakdown of parts and details.
DR Carriage in one piece
TR Carriage in three main parts
Assembled TR Carriage
Note all but one pin small mark are hidden once the parts are assembled.
Inside of DR Carriage devoid of detail.
Inside of TR Carriage with extensive details.
Upper edge of TR Carriage with details on both sides while the DR edge has no details at all.
outside and inside view of both parts below showing superb details.
Trunnion upper securing brackets, note correct hex bolts on TR part and round "bolts" on DR part.