Mörser Karl-Gerät 040/041
on railway transport carrier
Trumpeter 1:35 Scale Kit No. 00208/9
including comparison with Dragon Mörser Karl kits #6179, 6181
(Trumpeter (TR) Light Beige plastic, Dragon (DR) Grey plastic)
Left and right breech sides with cutout for breech block.
The TR kit has a separate breech block but the DR just has the opening
blanked off with the two outer faces of the breech block.
TR Breech Block
Rear face of Breech Block with correct opening contours and lower "bolt" details on the TR Breech
Front of the recuperator housing, note the correct raised square plates and fine details
on the TR part while the DR parts has larger hex bolts but no raised panels.
These hex bolts are about the only detail I could find on the DR kit better than the TR.
Rifling inserts for the TR 60cm gun without join seams compared with the
DR barrel halves with seam line.
Both kits have the rifling parallel to the barrel.
Rifling inserts for the TR 54cm gun without join seams compared with the
DR barrel halves with seam line.