Mörser Karl-Gerät 040/041
on railway transport carrier
Trumpeter 1:35 Scale Kit No. 00208/9
including comparison with Dragon Mörser Karl kits #6179, 6181
(Trumpeter (TR) Light Beige plastic, Dragon (DR) Grey plastic)
a feature missed on the DR kits.
The TR parts also have bolt head details on the reverse side while the DR parts a featureless.
Separate rollers on TR tray have greater detail definition.
Another feature missed on the DR kits is the spacing between the front two pairs of rollers is different on the 60cm and 54cm trays and TR provide two trays and different spaced rollers for the correct layout.
The TR tray also has the two raised ribs at the front of the tray missing from the DR tray.
Underside views of the trays showing the correct details on the TR tray.
Heavy 60cm shell with correct base plate